Social Connections Help Women Achieve Academic Success
Social integration has different effects on the academic achievement of women and men. Researchers from HSE University’s Institute of Education studied the connections between academic performance and social integration among 4,500 young Russians. It turned out that this connection is much stronger than it might seem at first glance, and that it is more important for women. The results of the work were published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Chemists Improve Membranes for Water Treatment and Desalination
Chemists at HSE University, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, and the University of Science and Technology of China have developed membranes with enhanced properties. The researchers experimentally revealed the impact of various factors on the desalination process and on the selectivity of ion separation. According to the study authors, their research will enable a more precise prediction of the properties of new ion-exchange membranes used in water treatment and desalination. The study findings have been published in Desalination.

Neural Network Developed at HSE Campus in Perm Will Determine Root Cause of Stroke in Patients
Specialists at HSE Campus in Perm and clinicians at Perm City Clinical Hospital No. 4, have been collaborating to develop a neural network capable of determining the root cause of a stroke. This marks the world's first attempt to create such a system, the developers note.

HSE University Hosts the First Meeting of Russian NGO Representatives as Part of BRICS Civil Track
More than 50 representatives of non-profit organisations took part in the meeting, where they discussed the event plan for 2024 and thematic areas of activity of the working groups of the BRICS Civil Forum, scheduled to be held in Moscow in July 2024. The BRICS civil track’s operations are coordinated by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia.