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A. Karneev
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Zhanna Son

  • Zhanna Son has been at HSE University since 2012.

Education and Degrees

  • 2009

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in National History
    Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Thesis Title: Koreans of the Far East in system of the interethnic relations of USSR. 1920-1930

  • 2009

    Doctoral programme in History
    Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Native history

  • 1982

    Moscow Technology Institute of Food Industry

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

2017. Member of the 6th International Summer School Programme “Gender and Reconciliation in Divided Societies. Ivanovo Centre for Gender Studies, Dante Alighieri University of Reggio Calabria, Italy. 3-23 July 2017, Reggio di Calabria, Italy. REGISTRAZIONE: № 670/17/30 М-108995-Z-124114-D-73   7168274  /mirror/pubs/share/208424847

2015 - 14th Central and East European Society of Koreanology International Conference in Moscow (CEESOK-2015), October 28-31, 2015. Certificate



Courses (2020/2021)

member of the editorial board of the All-Russian Association of Koreans


  • 2024

    2-я Международная конференция по корееведению (Ташкент). Presentation: Роль популяризации корейского языка и культуры во внешней политике Республики Корея

  • 2023

    Первая международная конференция по корееведению "Корейская диаспора в Центральной Азии: история, культура и социальная жизнь. К 85-летию проживания корейцев в Центральной Азии" (Ташкент). Presentation: Иммиграционная политика Российской империи в отношении корейцев

  • XXVII КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КОРЕЕВЕДОВ РОССИИ И СТРАН СНГ (Москва). Presentation: «Мягкая сила» России в Республике Корея
  • XXII Международная конференция по науке и технологиям: Россия-Корея-СНГ (Москва). Presentation: Законодательная основа применения труда корейских рабочих на Урале на Урале в годы Первой мировой войны

  • XI Международная научно-практическая школа конференция молодых ученых «История России с древнейших времен до XXI века: проблемы, дискуссии, новые взгляды» (Москва). Presentation: Советские корейцы – участники Корейской войны

  • 2022
    XXVI конференция корееведов России и стран СНГ «Современные проблемы Корейского полуострова» (Москва). Presentation: Корейские рабочие на Урале в годы Первой мировой войны
  • XXIII Ясинская (Апрельская) международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: The image of “Other” – “Alien” – “Enemy” in the national build-up of DPRK / Образ “Другого” – “Чужого” – “Врага” в национальном строительстве КНДР

  • XXIII Ясинская (Апрельская) международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Образ “Другого” – “Чужого” – “Врага” в национальном строительстве КНДР/ The image of “Other” – “Alien” – “Enemy” in the national build-up of DPRK
  • Международная конференция «Cозидательная деятельность человека: страдания, этикет, политика» (Чонджу). Presentation: Сталин и советские корейцы

  • 2021
    The Koryo-Saram Research Network Team is inviting you to a Zoom-Workshop "De-Constructing Korean Identity in (Post)-Soviet Spaces" (Франктфурт-на-Майне). Presentation: On the evolution of the transnational identity koryo saram
  • 2020

    International Conference on Multiculture and Education (Инчон). Presentation: Soviet Culture and Soviet Koreans (1920-1930)

  • II Архивный съезд (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: От персональных документов к коллективным биографиям: просопографическая база данных по материалам личных дел корейской секции Коминтерна (1920-1970)
  • ХХ ЮБИЛЕЙНАЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ПО НАУКЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЯМ РОССИЯ-КОРЕЯ-СНГ (Москва). Presentation: Транснациональный подход в изучении инструментов «мягкой силы» на примере культурных центров Республики Корея в Москве
  • Международная научно-практическая конференция "Россия и Корея: добрые соседи" (Москва). Presentation: Формирование института народной дипломатии и транснациональной идентичности российских корейцев на примере жизни и деятельности Цоя Петра Семеновича (1860 – 1920) в Российской Империи
  • 2019
    29th The Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE) Conference in Rome, Italy 29-ая Конференция Ассоциации Корейских исследований в Европе в Риме, Италия (Рим). Presentation: The Great Russian chauvinism in the Far East in the 1920s–1930s
  • VIII Международная корееведческая конференция "Россия и Корея в меняющемся мировом порядке - 2019" ДВФУ (Владивосток). Presentation: Просветительская и образовательная деятельность корейцев на советском Дальнем Востоке (1920 – 1930)
  • XXX Международный Конгресс по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки: К 150-летию академика В. В. Бартольда (1869-1930) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Книги на корейском языке, изданные в СССР (1924 – 1937) как исторический памятник деятельности корейских мигрантов

  • 2018
    14th Biennial Conference of Asian Studies in Israel (ASI18) (Иерусалим). Presentation: The “anti-Nationalism” Campaign in the Far East of the USSR in the late 1920s–1930s
  • XVIII Международная конференция по науке и технологиям Россия-Корея-СНГ (Москва). Presentation: Историческая роль «Постановления о реабилитации российских корейцев (1993)»
  • International Scientific Conference “Identity of Koryo Saram” (Чонджу). Presentation: Историческая роль «Постановления о реабилитации российских корейцев» № 4721-1 от 1 апреля 1993 г.
  • 2017

    «1937 год – прошлое, настоящее и будущее. Корейцы как часть Русского мира», посвященная 80-летней годовщине насильственного переселения корейцев с Дальнего Востока в Центральную Азию (Москва). Presentation: Союз ССР в 1930-е годы: добровольное и принудительное переселения на примере корейцев

  • Asia in Motion: Beyond Borders and Boundaries (Сеул). Presentation: Problems of adaptation of Korean youth in the USSR (1920-1930)

  • «1937 год: Русскоязычные корейцы – прошлое, настоящее и будущее», посвященный 80-летней годовщине принудительного переселения корейцев с Дальнего Востока в Центральную Азию (Владивосток). Presentation: Советские корейцы в молохе политических репрессий 1930-х годов
  • 2016
    Международная корееведческая конференция "Россия и Корея в меняющемся мировом порядке: политика, экономика, культура" (Владивосток). Presentation: Сотрудничество СССР и Северной Кореи в области образования (1946-1948)
  • Вторая научно-практическая конференция "Власть и насилие в незападных обществах: актуальные проблемы исследований" (Москва). Presentation: Власть и насилие в государствах Корейского полуострова сквозь призму корейского традиционализма
  • Colonialism and the change of Local communities in modern East Asia (Чонджу). Presentation: Переселенческая политика СССР и принудительное переселение советских корейцев (1920-1937) 소련이주 정책과 소련고려인 강제이주 (1920-1937) Migration policy of the USSR and the forced relocation of the Soviet Koreans (1920-1937)

  • Международной научно-практической конференции «Россия и государства Корейского полуострова: становление отношений и перспективы взаимодействия» (Южно-Сахалинск). Presentation: Проблемы корейского молодежного движения в 1920-е годы

  • 2015

    XI конгресс антропологов и этнологов России "Контакты и взаимодействие культур" (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Женщины-кореянки в СССР в 1920-1930-е годы

  • The 8th Kyujanggak International Symposium for Korean Studies (Сеул). Presentation: Problems of transformation of the Korean language in Russian-Korean society

  • 2014

    Международная научная конференция "150 лет проживания корейцев в России" (Сеул). Presentation: Социализация корейской семьи в СССР (1937-1991)

  • Международная научно-практическая конференция "Русскоязычные корейцы стран СНГ: общественно-географический синтез за 150 лет" (Новосибирск). Presentation: Формирование нового менталитета русскоязычных корейцев (1990-2014)

  • 2013

    Корейско-российский международный симпозиум (Инчхон ). Presentation: Проблемы развития сельского хозяйства на Дальнем Востоке (1920-1930) (на примере советских корейцев)

International Scientific Conference “Identity of Koryo Saram”


International Conference on Multiculture and Education, (2020 ICME), 7 August 2020, INHA University,  Incheon, Korea

Presentation topic: Soviet Culture and Soviet Koreans (1920-1930)


I International Conference "Processes of Globalization in Contemporary Asia", Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, November 20-21, 2019

Topic of the report: On the history of the development of the Korean written language Hangul. The first translations of Russian and Soviet literature into Korean

29th AKSE Conference (AKSE 2019), Rome, Italy, 11-14 April 2019

Paper: The Great Russian chauvinism in the Far East in the 1920s-1930s

VIII International Korean Studies Conference, FEFU, Vladivostok, May 17-18, 2019
Report topic: Educational and educational activities of Koreans in the Soviet Far East (1920 - 1930)

XXX International Congress on Source Study and Historiography of Asian and African Countries: To the 150th Anniversary of Academician V.V.Bartold (1869-1930), St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, June 19-21, 2019

Presentation topic: Books in Korean published in the USSR (1924 - 1937) as a historical monument of the activities of Korean migrants

International Conference on Multiculture and Education, (2019 ICME), 23 November 2019, INHA University, Incheon, Korea

Presentation topic: Korean-language textbooks (Hangul) published in the USSR (1920-1930)

3.1 운동 100 주년 기념 국제 학술 대회 - 전북 사학회, 2019 년 10 월 11 일 (International Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the First March Movement), Jeonbuk University, Jeonju, Korea, 11 October 2019.

Topic: 조훈 - 전북 혁명가 (Te Hong is a revolutionary from Jeolla)


International Scientific Conference “Identity of Koryo Saram”, September 28-30, 2018, Republic of Korea, Jeonju

Topic: The historical role of the “Resolution on the rehabilitation of Russian Koreans” No. 4721-1 of April 1, 1993

14th Biennial Conference of Asian Studies in Israel (ASI18). Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus Campus, on Wed-Thu, May 23-24, 2018.

Topic: The “anti-Nationalism” Campaign in the Far East of the USSR in the late 1920s–1930s


International Interdisciplinary Conference "120 Years of Korean Studies and Russian-Korean Studies at St. Petersburg State University" St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University, October 12-14, 2017

Topic: Communist Youth International (KIM) and Korean youth organizations in the 1920s

International Symposium: "1937: Russian-speaking Koreans - past, present and future". 15-17.09.2017.  Vladivostok, DOR RAS Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

тема: Soviet Koreans in the Moloch of Political Repressions of the 1930s


International scientific-practical conference "Russia and the Korean Peninsula of the state: the formation of relations and prospects for cooperation" Sakhalin State University. 28-29 October 2016
Topic: Problems of the Korean youth movement in the 1920s

International Symposium "Colonialism and the change of Local communities in modern East Asia" 23-27iyunya 2016 the Republic of Korea, the Cheongju
Topic: Immigration policy of the USSR and the forced relocation of the Soviet Koreans (1920-1937)

V International Korean Studies Conference "Russia and Korea in the changing global order: politics, economy, culture." Vladivostok, Far Eastern Federal University, 18-19 May 2016.
Topic: Cooperation of the USSR and North Korea in the field of education (1946 - 1950 gg.)

The second scientific-practical conference "Power and violence in non-western societies: current research problems." Moscow Higher School of Economics, 26-27 May 2016.
Topic: Power and violence in the states of the Korean Peninsula through the prism of the Korean traditionalism


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  "Exploring the new trends in socio-cultural changes in Korean and Russian societies" Saint-Petersburg, 9-10 april 2015.

Topic: Stages of transformation of national identity  Russian-speaking  community in the Soviet Union of the USSR and Russia (1926-2010)


III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on METHODS OF TEACHING ORIENTAL LANGUAGES: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF TEACHING TRANSLATION. NRU Higher School of Economics. October 27-28, 2015. co-author  Kim Aleksandr (Orion Interational Evro)

Topic: CAT System Term Base for Historical Texts Translation

The 8th Kyujanggak International Symposium
"The Contemporary Relevance of Document Culture: Knowledge, Media, Power". Seoul, South Korea, Seoul University. 25(Tue.) - 26(Wed.) August 2015.

Topic: Problems of transformation of the Korean language in Russian-Korean society

XI Congress of anthropologists and ethnologists Russia (Caer) "Contact and interaction of cultures." Ekaterinburg, Ural Federal University. BN Yeltsin. July 2-5, 2015.

Topic: Women Koreans in the USSR in the 1920s.

XIX Scientific Conference Korean Studies in Russia and CIS countries  "Korea: 70 years after the liberation". Moscow, IFES. 26-27 March 2015 Report: Soviet Koreans in North Korea (1946-1948)


Международная научная конференция "150 лет жизни корейцев" in Russia." Seoul Center for Eastern Studies. October 10, 2014.

тема: Socialization Korean family in the Soviet Union (1937-1991)



Participation in Conferences

International scientific-practical conference "Russian-speaking Koreans CIS: socio-geographical synthesis for 150 years." Novosibirsk. NSTU. April 19, 2014
Topic: Formation of a new mentality of Russian Koreans (1990-2014)
V Scientific-practical seminar Korean Language Teachers Association of Russian universities. Moscow. Moscow State Linguistic University. 25-26 March 2013
Report: Semantic features reinforcing particles: - 도; - 까지; - 마저; - 조차 [-what-kkachzhi, machzho-,-chzhochha] "even too well" and their role in the communicative relationship.

First International Conference " Methods of teaching of oriental languages​​: aspektizatsiya, computerization, new textbooks." The Oriental HSE. Moscow. 22-23 April 2013
Workshop on the preparation of complex sentences in Korean.

International scientific conference "Korea, Russia and the Russian Koreans," May 31, 2013 Dongguk University. Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Challenges for Agricultural Development (rice farming) in the Soviet Far East (1920-1930) (for example, the Soviet Koreans)


International scientific conference "Cross-cultural interaction in the context of globalization: experience of Russia and Korea", 19-21 November 2012 Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University. Saint Petersburg
Report: The Soviet (Russian) Koreans - from voluntary to forced migration (1920-1938)


International scientific conference dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the start of teaching the Korean language at the Oriental Department of St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg, 8-10 November 2012
Report: Park Honyong in the Russian and foreign historiography


Tenth International Conference on "Governance in the 21st Century: An Agenda of the Russian authorities", 29-31 May 2012 MSU. MV University School of Public Administration, Moscow
Report: The institutions of civil society as a factor strengthening the Russian state (for example, the International Club of them political refugees. V. Zagorski. 1920-1930)


III International Correspondence Scientific Conference (June 2012). Branch FGAOU VPO "Far Eastern Federal University" (Palo) in Ussuriysk
Report: The Korean liberation movement in the policy of the Communist International (1920-1930)


Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists in Korean studies devoted to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the International Center for Korean Studies of Moscow State University, March 31 - April 1, 2012 CCIS MSU. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Report: The tense situation on the Soviet-Manchurian border (1935-1936)


Вторая международная конференция молодежи Scientists and Specialists "Historical documents and actual problems of Archeology, national and world history of modern and contemporary times," "Clio 2012", 5-6 April 2012. RGASPI Moscow. Diploma for the best report.
Report: International Club of political refugees name Zagorski (1920-1930)


The 9th International Conference "Public Administration in the 21st Century: Tradition and Innovation", 25-27 May 2011 FSI MSU. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Report: Russian Koreans in the 1920-1930-ies as the work force: the regional dimension of governance


Межрегиональная научно- практическая конференция "The harmonization of interethnic relations in the Southern Federal District. Russian Koreans in the dialogue of cultures and peoples of the Don", June 17, 2011, Rostov-on-Don
Report: The first Koreans in the North Caucasus in 1920-1930-ies as a labor resource


International scientific conference "The issue of the Korean Independent Movement in Russia and USSR, Japan, China", September 23, 2011 Korea University, Seoul
Report: The relationship of Koreans in the Soviet Union with the Korean national liberation movement (1920-1930)  (소련에 거주했던 고려인과 민좃해방운동과의 상호관계 (1920-1930)


VII International Conference "The Great Patriotic War: results and perspectives for the study," dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, 5-6 November 2011, Moscow
Report: The repression of the Red Army in 1920-1930-ies (for example, the Korean ethnic community


XIV конференция корееведения в России и странах СНГ, посвященная 20-летию anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Kazakhstan, the 65th anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule and the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, 30-31 March 2010, IFES, Moscow.
Report: The Soviet-Japanese relations in 1920-1930's: the fate of Koreans


Региональная научная конференция молодых ученых по корееведению « Русский язык » ХХ века в the history of Korea", 13-15 May 2010, Moscow Center for Korean Studies, CCIS, Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov
Report: The Korean component of the policy of the Comintern and foreign policy of the USSR in the 1920-1930-ies


Восьмая конференция NAJAKS - Скандинавская ассоциация японских и корейских исследований "Соединяя Японию и Корею", 19-21 августа 2010 г. , Хельсинки, Финляндия
Доклад : Судьба корейцев в Советском Союзе и советско-японские отношения в 1920-1930 гг.













Edit translation

Translation from Korean into Russian language of the book "The history of the movement for the independence of Korea"

Son Zhanna (HSE, Moscow)Yuen San Wong (Dongguk University, Seoul)

 Файл (DOCX, 2,18 Мб)


Certificate of Participation in the XXII Yasin (April) International Scientific Conference



2006-2012 Moskow school 1257, Korean language teacher
2011 Advisor to the All-Russian Association of Koreans
1999-2005 - translator, deputy head of the Korean cultural-educational center "The first March"

Professional development

2013 - from 24 to 27 March 2013 within the framework of advanced training V All-Russian scientific-practical seminar Korean Language Teachers Association of Russian universities in the amount of 72 academic hours. Moscow State Linguistic University, with the support of the Korea Foundation Moscow. Certificate.
2013 - 13 to 20 February 2013 in the short-term professional HSE "basics of organizing and conducting training courses in the LMS efront (main course)" in the amount of 24 academic hours. Certificate.
2011 - English Language School "Wall street institute". Waystage-2. Moscow. Certificate.

2010 - Training courses for teachers of Korean (Korean University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Republic of Korea)


2008 - training courses for teachers of Korean CIS at Korea University (Seoul, Korea)

1999 - Internship at the University of Yonsei (Korea, Seoul)

1993 - 1994 - a refresher course at the Association of Teachers of Korean language. Moscow



Foreing languages

Korean, English

Timetable for today

Full timetable

‘Korea for Much of the World Has Been Far Away and Remote, but in the Present, It Seems Closer and at Times Everywhere’

The international conference ‘Korea Uncovered: Global and Local Challenges (late XIX – mid XX century)’ is underway at HSE University on October 7–8. Why do they say that Korea was discovering the world and opening up during this period? The HSE News Service talked about the issues discussed at the conference with its organisers and participants.