'Staying Open to New Challenges and Opportunities Is Crucial'
The Tenth BRICS Youth Summit was held in Ulyanovsk from July 22 to 26. The event was attended by more than 200 early-career professionals from Brazil, India, China, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Russian regions. Participants gathered to discuss current global issues and explore opportunities for youth collaboration. Students of HSE University who attended the Youth Summit shared their impressions with HSE University Life.

‘Rediscovering Russia’: HSE Students Create a Development Strategy for the Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov Estate
In mid-July 2024, 18 students from various HSE campuses (Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Saint Petersburg, and Moscow) participated in an expedition to Nizhny Novgorod Oblast to develop elements of a promotional strategy for the Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov estate. This project was conceived as part of the School of Snow 3.0 inter-campus expedition and was the winner of the ‘Rediscovering Russia’ competition. We’d like to share the results of the expedition as well as the impressions of the participants.