HSE Media Projects Are on the Short Lists of Prestigious Awards
A project about mental health, which includes the podcast ‘Vse OK’ (‘It’s OK’) and the Telegram channel ‘Zdes o sebe’ (‘About yourself’), has been nominated in the 13th International InterComm Awards in the field of corporate communications, 2022. The science and education project ‘Dlya Ponimaniya’ (‘For Understanding’) aggregating the materials of HSE Daily and IQ.HSE on the Zen, Odnoklassniki and Telegram platforms has been submitted for the ‘Znanie’ (‘Knowledge’) award. HSE News Service covers the features of these projects and why they were included on the award shortlists.
The project about mental health ‘Vse OK’ and ‘Zdes o sebe’
‘Vse OK’ is an HSE podcast about mental health. It discusses current issues in mental health — from the importance of self-care to the intergenerational aspects of understanding mental health. Psychologists, sociologists, coaches help followers to understand some of the key concepts and phenomena of mental health as well as covering pressing topics.
This podcast is available on all major streaming platforms, including ‘Yandex Music’, Apple Podcasts (in the top 20 in ‘Mental health’ section), Google Podcasts, Castbox, and ‘Vkontakte’. The first season of the podcast started in November 2021, with the second following in June 2022. In addition, in March 2022, the telegram channel ‘Zdes o sebe’ was launched, complementing the issues covered in the podcast.
The project is mostly aimed at HSE students and staff. A key objective of the project is to create a supportive environment for the intra-university community as a response to the growing relevance of mental health problems in the world.
The project has been jointly implemented between experts from the School of Psychology and the HSE Centre for Psychological Counselling. The main editorial board includes HSE students and employees of the Office for Digital Media and Promotion.

The project was shortlisted for the 13th International InterComm Awards in the ‘Lifestyle’ category (projects in the field of well-being and the development of work/life balance). InterComm is the main industry award in Russia and the CIS dedicated to internal communications and corporate culture, as well as also being a business show and platform for professional communication. In total, 206 applications were nominated for this award across 13 categories in 2022.
‘Dlya Ponimaniya’ A science and education project
This project, which aggregates the materials of HSE Daily and IQ.HSE, is available on three platforms: Zen, Odnoklassniki and Telegram. Readers are offered a wide range of expertise and scientific information from world-renowned experts and scientists, primarily working at HSE University. The project was launched in March 2022, and to date, more than 200 articles have been published. The total audience across all three channels is more than 6000 users, while the total audience reach in Zen is about 8 million users.
Regular updates are dedicated to issues in the field of economics, the social sphere, the labour market, public administration, education, science and innovation, foreign policy and public initiatives.
The project was shortlisted for the ‘Znanie’ (‘Knowledge’) Prize in the ‘Contribution to Education in the Field of Economics and Business’ category. In total the shortlist includes 68 educators and projects from 18 regions of Russia, and 8 leading companies. Their educational activities were evaluated by the expert council, whose members are leading representatives of business, science, art and other fields.
The awards ceremony will take place in December.
Anna Podpryatova, Director for Digital Media and Promotion, HSE University
The main goal of our work is to create media projects that are relevant and in demand among the audience, as well as clearly representing the diversity of HSE University’s expertise. HSE now has a competitive portfolio of its own channels and resources on social networks and popular messenger apps, which demonstrate the achievements of the university, its team of experts and scientists, and HSE's extensive work in terms of educational and outreach missions.