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Illustration for news: 'Those Who Choose Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, or Governance Today Cannot Do without IT'

'Those Who Choose Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, or Governance Today Cannot Do without IT'

In late April 2014, the Faculty of Social Sciences was established at HSE University by integrating four existing faculties of sociology, psychology, applied political science, and public administration and governance. Today, over 5,000 students are enrolled in its educational programmes, with more than 300 instructors teaching classes. In this interview for HSE University Life, Professor Andrei Y. Melville, Dean of the Faculty, discusses its evolution over the past decade, its achievements, expectations for applicants, the upcoming admissions campaign, and why every humanities scholar needs to study computer science.

HSE Faculty of Social Sciences to Offer Webinar on English-taught Master’s Programmes

On March 14, 2017, at 6:00 pm Moscow time, the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences will hold its first webinar for prospective international Master’s students. During the webinar, academic supervisors and leading lecturers will cover HSE’s English-taught Master’s programmes in political science, sociology and public administration.

Illustration for news: Knowledge Specialization No Longer Relevant. What Can We Do?

Knowledge Specialization No Longer Relevant. What Can We Do?

The contemporary world and society involve highly complex systems, requiring more than specialized knowledge. The MA programme 'Politics. Economics. Philosophy' helps students go beyond the limits of specific social sciences.

'Technology as Such Never Simply Marks Progress'

In his lecture on December 3 at the HSE St Petersburg on 'Progress: A Reconstruction', Professor Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona) raised questions related to the nature of progress and our attitude to it. Professor Wagner is ICREA Research Professor in the Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of the Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona. He has been cooperating with HSE since 2014. Before his lecture, Editor of HSE English News, Anya Chernyakhovskaya talked to Professor Wagner about the elusive and changing nature of progress.

Workshop on Experimental Methods for Researchers at HSE Institute of Education

On December 12-24 a series of workshops on experimental methods for researchers by Prashant Loyalka, Leading Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis at the HSE Graduate School of Education took place at HSE Institute of Education. He also delivered a series of lectures on ‘Quasi-experimental Research in Education’ for master’s students in Educational and Psychological Measurement.