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Pham Cong Thang – Pursuing a Post-Doc in Computer Science

On September 12, Pham Cong Thang, who goes by Thang, arrived in Moscow to begin a post-doctoral fellowship at HSE’s International Laboratory of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods (Faculty of Computer ScienceBig Data and Information Retrieval School). Working under the supervision of Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Thang will focus primarily on text and image processing, and computer vision.

‘I am really excited about being at HSE’, he said. ‘HSE is a famous international university, and I am lucky to have the opportunity to work here’.

Originally from Vietnam’s Quang Binh province, Thang received both a Vietnamese and Russian government scholarship to study in Russia. He holds a specialist degree and a PhD he recently obtained from Tula State University in Russia.

‘I’m very interested in Bayesian methods; these are important directions of research at HSE. I think that my colleagues at HSE and I will work well together’, he said.

A fan of Mikhail Sholokhov’s And Quiet Flows the Don and Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, which he has read in Vietnamese, Thang is keen to learn more about Russian literature and history.

‘I have been in Russia for nine years’, he says. ‘During this time, I have been to Moscow several times. I think that my Russian is adequate for both daily living and work’. 

See also:

Researchers at HSE in St Petersburg Develop Superior Machine Learning Model for Determining Text Topics

Topic models are machine learning algorithms designed to analyse large text collections based on their topics. Scientists at HSE Campus in St Petersburg compared five topic models to determine which ones performed better. Two models, including GLDAW developed by the Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics at HSE Campus in St Petersburg, made the lowest number of errors. The paper has been published in PeerJ Computer Science.

HSE and Yandex to Expand Collaboration in Training AI Specialists

Over the next ten years, the partnership between Yandex and the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) will broaden across three key areas: launching new educational programmes, advancing AI research, and exploring the application of generative neural networks in the educational process. Established by HSE University and Yandex a decade ago, the Faculty of Computer Science has since emerged as a frontrunner in training developers and experts in AI and machine learning, with a total of 3,385 graduates from the faculty over this period.

Two HSE Researchers Receive Yandex ML Prize

Two researchers from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science—Aibek Alanov, Junior Research Fellowat the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods, Research Fellow at AIRI; and Pavel Braslavski, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Models and Methods of Computational Pragmatics—are among the winners of the 2023Yandex ML Prize (formerly the Ilya Segalovich Award).

Days of Computer Science Held as HSE University

Every spring, HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, which this year turns nine years old, traditionally opens its doors and invites everyone to a festival. This time, more than 20 events with over 2,000 registered participants were held between April 8th and 16th as part of the Days of Computer Science.

Light Breezes Improve Moods of Social Media Users

Sergey Smetanin, Research Fellow of the HSE Graduate School of Business, conducted a large-scale analysis to examine the impact of weather conditions on the sentiments expressed by users of the Odnoklassniki (OK) social network. The findings have been published in PeerJ Computer Science. This is the first study of its kind in Russia.

Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award

Three researchers of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science are among the winners of the 2022 Ilya Segalovich Award: Research Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor Alexey Naumov and doctoral student Sergey Samsonov. The award, established by Yandex in 2019, is aimed at supporting young researchers and the scientific community in the field of IT in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

‘Computer Methods of Cognitome Analysis’ Conference to Explore New Perspectives on Memory and Consciousness

On September 1–3, the HSE International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and Its Applications will host the international conference 'Computer Methods of Cognitome Analysis'. Konstantin Sorokin, Research Assistant at the Laboratory and organiser of the conference, spoke about the main topics of the event and his hope that it will inspire pure mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists to apply their knowledge and intuition to the problems of brain-function mechanisms.

HSE University Maintains Positions in Two THE Subject Rankings

HSE has been included in two Times Higher Education (THE) subject rankings. It is ranked in the Top 500 for Computer Science and in 801-1000 group for Engineering.

'Programming Is an Ideal Profession and There’s No Better Time for It Than Now’

Ernest Sadykov, a graduate of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), works as a software engineer at Facebook. In this interview, he tells Success Builder how an extrovert can be a 'techie', why companies have trouble finding IT specialists and what Facebook’s philosophy is.

HSE Is One of the Top Universities That Offers Programmes in English

HSE Faculty of Computer Science offers eight Master’s programmes, including four programmes taught entirely in English. Samia Nasrin, from Data Science Master’s programme, and Usama Albaghdady, from Master’s in System and Software Engineering, talk about choosing HSE University, admissions process, their studies and future plans.