Researchers at HSE University Identify the Most Walkable Areas in Moscow
Experts at HSE University and Lomonosov Moscow State University examined the available data on Moscow's walkability and found the central and south-western parts of the city to be more walkable than others. However, the eastern and south-eastern areas are in need of improvements to make them more pedestrian-friendly. The study has been published in Cities.

Lavsan and Kapton Tested Under Space-like Radiation Conditions
In a ground-breaking experiment, HSE MIEM researchers subjected Lavsan (polyethylene terepfthalate, polyester) and Kapton (polypiromellitimide, polyimide) polymers, commonly used in space technology, to ionising radiation for durations ranging from microseconds to several hours at temperatures of -170°C and +20°C, while comparing their electrical conductivity under extreme conditions. The study reveals that at -170°C, Kapton's conductivity is ten times lower than at +20°C. These findings can assist engineers in developing more effective protection for spacecraft against static discharges induced by ionising radiation. The study has been published in Journal of Applied Physics.

Paper by HSE Biologists Included in the Top 5 Popular Articles of PeerJ Journal
An article by researchers from HSE University’s Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology is among the most read articles published in the PeerJ journal in 2023. In the paper, the researchers establish a link between the genetic characteristics of the human immune system and its ability to effectively resist new waves of COVID-19. PeerJ is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering research in the field of biological and medical sciences. Every year the editors compile a ranking of the most popular scientific papers.

HSE University-St Petersburg Participates in Scientific Conference ‘Russia and Oceania’
On January 30, St Petersburg hosted the International Scientific Conference 'Russia and Oceania: New Challenges and Prospects'. The event was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Republic of Fiji.

‘I Dream of Developing an Information System Devoted to Zemstvo Schools’
If Iliana Ismakaeva had not become a scientist, she would definitely have become a teacher like her parents. In this interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, she spoke about digital zemstvo studies, her walks along the Kama embankment, and virtual historical reconstructions.

Elderly People, Crisis, and Robots
Across the globe, countries are witnessing dramatic shifts in the relative proportions of younger and older generations in their demographic makeup. Even in African states, signs of an emerging demographic decline are becoming evident. By 2050, two thirds of people aged 65 and over will be living in low- and middle-income countries. While an ageing population poses a significant challenge to national economies, it can also serve as an impetus for development, especially in the realm of technology. What is the extent of global population ageing, what challenges arise in this context, and whether humanity is capable of addressing them are some of the key questions, explored by IQ.HSE, based on a paper published in Sociological Journal by Leonid Grinin, Anton Grinin, and Andrey Korotayev at the HSE Centre for Stability and Risk Analysis.
How the Telephone Conquered the World. Episode Ten: 'Number, Please?'
The history of the invention of telephony reads like a captivating detective novel, but even more intriguing are the events that contributed to the worldwide adoption of this technology. In this series of columns on IQ.HSE, Anton Basov, HSE Faculty of Computer Science editor, discusses how telephones have become an integral part of our everyday life. The final episode of the series recounts how men were unable to cope with telephone operator jobs and were replaced by tall and polite young women. However, as telephone networks expanded, the role of the intermediary became unproductive, eventually rendering the switchboard operator profession obsolete due to automation—not the first nor the last time such a thing has happened. As for Alexander Graham Bell, he used the earnings from inventing the telephone to promote science, educate people about the world around us, and pursue new inventions.

Researchers from HSE University and Brazil to Create New Theory of High Temperature Conductivity
Theoretical physicists from Russia and Brazil are working together on a theory that describes novel superconducting materials with potentially high critical temperatures. The theory can explain many properties of superconductors with non-trivial topological properties, as well as of those with multiple condensates. In this interview, Prof. Mauro Doria from the Institute of Physics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Prof. Alexei Vagov from the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials, MIEM HSE, talk about their cooperation.

HSE Accepting Applications for Competition of Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers
Applications for the fourth HSE University Competition of the Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers will be accepted from February 1 to March 15. The authors that receive the highest scores from the expert jury will be awarded on June 6—Russian Language Day. The main goal of the competition is to support and promote Russian language as a language of science, as well as to popularise works affiliated with HSE University among the global Russian-speaking audience.

HSE Creates ‘Transfer of Neurocognitive Technologies’ Consortium
HSE, the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Centre, and the Centre for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation of the Moscow Healthcare Department have signed an agreement on cooperation and the creation of a ‘neuro-consortium’ under the name ‘Transfer of Neurocognitive Technologies’. The new body will boost the development and implementation of advanced solutions in neurotechnology aimed at maintaining and improving people's health. The agreement was signed for five years, and the consortium is open to new participants.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025